U-cord is a service being offered by Cryo-cell International where am infant’s umbilical cord blood stem cell is being cryogenically preserved to protect the baby’s or your family’s future health. Why is there a need to preserve cord blood stem cells? These stem cells have been used to treat more than 70 diseases including malignancies, anemia, inherited metabolic disorders, deficiencies of the immune system and transplants. Your child’s stem cell is a perfect match for your baby or can be a 1 in 4 chance of matching a sibling. When the need arises, sometimes time is of the element. Looking for a perfect match is not an easy task to do but if you have your own blood stem cells preserved, you can be saving a life in the future.
Cryo-Cell , the leader in cord blood banking services with more than 175,000 clients and accreditations, has a limited offer where you can get a special pricing of only $995 with your U-Cord enrollment and the cancellation fee is waived. A savings of $725 is guaranteed by just using the code HOT on checkout. This is applicable to all enrollments made from now up to midnight of Sunday, June 28th. If you wish to enroll now or for more information about this offer just go to cryo-cell.com. You can also call them 24/7 at 1-800-786-7235.
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