
Monday, December 6, 2010

PTA Night


I went to my daughter’s school last for PTA night. It is a one on one dialogue between the teacher and parents regarding your child progress for the first grading period. My schedule time was between 7:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. but I arrived at the school early hoping that we can start right away. I guess the parent ahead of me was late so I got the chance to read the school bulletin boards while waiting for my turn. Each grade has their own bulletin board, displaying all their activities, pictures and who the student of the month is. So my daughter’s face was on one of these bulletin boards last year.

So far my daughter is doing great in school with only one comment on her report card – being talkative at times. Somewhat I already expected this because she also tells me that she is chatty in school. I always remind her that there is time for chatting but if the teacher says that you have to pay attention you have to stop talking, I know this is hard for some kids but they will learn.

My next PTA meeting is next month. I will see how make with her science and social studies. They only started with these two subjects this second marking period.


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