
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Friend Is Coming


I am very excited to know that a friend of mine from Philippines is finally coming to the U.S. I said finally because she was much undecided for a long time. She has been a house wife all her life with no previous job experience at all. She knows she has to get a job once she gets here to survive but with no experience she thinks she will not make it. I told her to try going back to school but she is not interested in that too. So I said to her, “Why don’t you just put on your own business?” Oh, it was a delight when I told her that. It means she is interested.

I told my friend that somebody has mentioned to me about Specialty Merchandise Corporation, a company that provides business opportunities to people. At smc corp , they have a huge inventory of home decor, collectibles, general gift merchandise and a lot more that SMC members can buy at discounted prices and sell to customers for profit. And, to start with SMC, all you have to do is to register as a member. Once a member, SMC will also provide you with tools and coaching to succeed. I also reminded her to read about the specialty merchandise corporation complaints before she makes her final decision.

Let’s see what happens when my friend gets here. At least, there are a lot of options available for her.


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