
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Phone Internet


I find it too difficult to be browsing at my Smartphone than in a regular computer. I am here at work, and you know that browsing on shopping websites has been prohibited so I have been using my phone to surf the net. I have been searching for a pulse oximeters for sale. This is not for me but for a relative. When my cousin asked me if I know what it is, at first I have no idea what kind of medical instrument it is but after she explained it to me, I told her right away that it's something the hospital put on my finger when I had my baby. She just said, “that’s right!’

I hope I would not go beyond my data plan for my phone this month. I never had a data plan before with my previous phones but since I switched to a Smartphone, a data plan is a must. I subscribed to the basic plan so I try to minimize my internet usage. Let’s see how my usage for the month before I think of upgrading my plan.


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