
Friday, December 19, 2008

School Closing Announcement


In the event of a delayed opening or school closing due to inclement weather, we will get a phone call from the Global Connect System. The school also gave us a website to check further information about school closing or any emergencies. The morning news also flashes the school closing and delays on TV. How can your child miss all of this right? Like today, the schools are closed because of the coming snow storm; we got calls on hubby and my cell phone plus the house phone. They will call the entire phone numbers listed on their information sheet. This system is really helpful and they call in advance (the night before or very early in the morning) so that you do not have to wake up your kids anymore. I hope Philippines especially Manila will have this system too rather than letting kids go to school then later announces school closing when everybody is already stuck in school then have difficult time commuting back home.

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